“It Is Finished" John 19:30
Jesus finished the complete work on the cross. He finished His assignment to abandon all to come and fulfill His Father’s plan of redemption for all His creation. It was what I needed to read this particular day, some time ago. Out of all the scriptures that I could have read, this went straight to my spirit and my situation as an arrow to a target. It was the answer to my prayer after 3 years of praying for a change in my job. It was one of those jobs that from the moment you start working there, you know that you’re only passing through, but not really sure how long the Lord had for me to be there. The Lord had made it clear for me that this is where I needed to be. There was a lot of spiritual growth during this time and I saw God answer prayers in marvelous ways, but it was a struggle to be there every day. I knew that I was in transition and change is a very emotional thing to go through. I remember my prayer to the Lord, to please not allow me to be there one more day past the day He had preordained for me to be there or one day before. I wanted to finish this assignment and all that He had for me to do there or get from there. The time came for me to know in my heart that it was near the end, but nothing was happening in the natural. I called my Dad on the phone for wisdom and immediately I began to cry. I really wanted him to confirm to me that he too felt it was time but it’s not exactly how it went. He said “You are emotional and hurt about this, which is very fleshy, so take some time to pray and seek the Lord so that you can have peace about it, then you move”. I did not want to hear those words and almost got offended because I thought I knew. I submitted to the Lord speaking through my Dad that day, and decided not to trust my emotions. The next day I declared a fast and sought the Lord. I knew that my flesh needed to get out of the way and I needed to hear my marching orders if indeed this was the right time to quit this job. I did not want to miss this.
The Lord began to take me to a passage in the Bible where three men were about to be thrown in the fire. In Daniel 3:13-29 Mishack, Shadrack and AbedNego stood firm against king Nebuchadnezzar and said “We have no need to answer you in this matter. If that is the case our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand O’ king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up”.
These men were facing death and proud to stand so firm, that they would not bow down to another god but the One true God. I too faced the end of a journey but was not trusting Him. I certainly did not have room in my heart to say those words, “but if not". I had made up my mind and needed to hear about this very specific situation but He wanted to talk to me about my heart. As He started to show me all that was hidden deep within me, I began to cry and repent. My unbelief was uncovered. I felt like I heard “it’s not how we start the race, but how we finish the race that matters most”
Ecclesiastes 7:8 The end of a matter is better than its beginning
I was tired and emotional, and of course, I could not hear my marching orders even if they were loud and clear. My emotions were TOO LOUD. I felt like I was being cleansed and began to receive His peace about where I needed to be. My heart’s attitude needed to be able to say along with the three men, God will deliver me “but if not”, I still will not bow to my flesh or my plans or my expectations or my own will for my life. I trust and my times are in His hands.
The next morning I woke up early to have my quiet time with the Lord. I was confident that I was able to keep the faith and endure the race this time. Suddenly, the Word that I read in my devotional for the day was John 19:30 “It is finished”. There it was! Tears filled my eyes because I knew the Lord had given this word to me to let me know my time was done. The waiting was over. This scripture marked the spot and I was there. Finished! His love and His grace poured into my heart and all I knew was that He brought me to the finish line and in a way that I could see it.
I have continued to experience transition in my life since, and have often referred back to this “water well” where the Lord met me, to drink from again and again.
My prayer is that we hear our marching orders from Him. That the Lord will open our spiritual eyes to see and to know the time and the place in the secret place with Him, so that when we get there in the natural, we know this is the way. That His peace will rule over our emotions during times of transition for His Word says in Psalm 29:3-4 The Lord thunders above the mighty sea, which to me is my emotions or the loud and difficult place. That we trust Him to give us His direction when we need it and for His peace to help us stand firm when He’s not ready to give it. In Jesus' name, Amen!
ReplyDeleteSuch a good word! I love how even when your flesh wavered (as talking with your Dad) you heart was steadfast and knew who your Deliver IS! So encouraging to my heart and a confirmation that a spiritual work is always done in the spirit and heart first and then it is done in the natural.
PSALM 42:5 AMP. Version
Why are you cast down, O my inner self? And why should you moan over me and be disquieted within me? Hope in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him, my Help and my God.
Expectantly waited with you to see what He has spoken to your heart march itself into the natural ... for ... It is Finished!
Great Love!
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