Thursday, March 31, 2011


Through a series of scriptures I was reading today, I felt this word impressed in my heart:

I see your faith, and how you have broken through the clouds to clear skies.  Your faith pleases Me.  To see your precious heart moves Me.  I love you and I have so much for you.  Get ready! You will love it and will have so much fun.  I prepared everything coming to you, with you in mind.  I AM with you and I'M always found by you because you seek Me with all of your precious heart.   You are My channel through which I flow.  Don't let reasoning in your heart keep you from giving or receiving.  You are a good steward of that which I pour in you and both you and the new wine are preserved, just like the new wine in the new wineskin.  Remember that I AM taking care of you and I AM in your midst to deliver you and give your enemies over to you.  Watch what you say for in guarding your mouth you preserve your life and you will eat well by the fruit of what you speak.  You will then taste and see that I AM good!  Pray for peace and prosperity over your city because you too will have peace and prosperity.  

Luke 5:19; Hebrews 11:6; Jeremiah 1:12; Jeremiah 29:11-14; Luke 5:22; Luke 5:38; Deuteronomy 23:14; Proverbs 13:2-3; Psalm 34:8; Jeremiah 29:7

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Center of The Target

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you. 
Matthew 6:33

Just recently I had the honor to speak to a very special group of women.  I was sure on what I was going to speak to them about, until I had a dream.  In the dream I was asked by someone walking by me what I was going to speak on, and I answered "first things first".  I woke up at 1:55am to write and was surprised that I wrote 4 pages.  I sought the Lord for confirmation on this and the signs just got even clearer. 

I was reading Bob Hamp's book, Think Differently, Live Differently, where he mentions the above scripture as "the center of the target".  However, I read this 2 weeks after I spoke to the women but it continued to expand and solidify this word for me. 

In the times I prayed and thought about how this scripture applied to my life, I was moved to tears remembering how easy it was for me to seek the things of life first and not His kingdom.  Many decisions were made with life's stuff in mind and as a result I was anxious and worried a lot.  I couldn't understand how the kingdom of God and my world merged.  To me, there was separation.  His and mine. 

When I experienced the Lord in a personal and loving way,  the two worlds merged.  I knew that I would never be the same again.  Suddenly I experienced Him, not just knew of Him.  I got to feel His Spirit speaking to me through the scriptures as I was reading.  Letting me know that He knew me and loved me.  In this encounter with Him I repented of my sin because for the first time I saw my sin as sin.  His love for me was tangible.  I've written of my salvation experience before but I see this in a new light with this scripture Matthew 6:33 in mind, and now as "the center of the target".

I found my journal where I had written about this life changing day with the Lord in 2005, and there was a long list of requests and prayers written down.  I realized that what I asked of the Lord was not just a little.  There was a lot that I desired.  But I was able to let go of the lists and opened my heart to Him.  He wanted all of them and He wanted all of me.  I released the things that I thought made life work for me and for the first time I was free. 

He made this easy because what I got in the exchange was so much more than what I gave Him.

Today, I continue to be the same girl who still wants to stick both hands in the candy jar and what I still desire of the Lord is not just a little.  But I can trust Him with my wants, needs and desires for me and my loved ones with open hands more and more, as I have sought His kingdom first and trust that everything else is added to me.  Believing that any and all obstacles are being removed as I continue to learn to "keep the main thing, the main thing."

Psalm 5:3  In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.

I continue to press in to Him and all clogs and hindrances dissapear for me so that I can break through into more freedom.

In the process I am experiencing how to live from a place of desire, instead of duty. 

Becoming a lover who works, not a worker who loves.  The worker always has a checklist and I had mine. 

Seeking His presence not His presents.  His Precence comes with gifts. 

Hebrews 11:6 He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

The truth is that He desires for us more than we even desire for ourselves.  But He is pleased when we want to spend time with Him just because we love Him.  Everyone likes their being celebrated, not just their doing.

No one wants friends who are only interested in what we can do for them.  We want them interested in who we are and like us for who we are.  I believe that since we are created in His image, He might feel the same way.

He promises that as we delight in Him, He gives us the desires of our hearts.  Psalm 37:4

Close your eyes and picture yourself with the Lord.  Give Him your lists and expectations that you are holding in your heart.  He knows each one and trust that He has more good for you than you're even asking for. 


Proverbs 8:17-18
I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me find Me.  With Me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.