Psalm 91:14-16
"Because he (she) loves Me", says the Lord, "I will rescue him (her); I will protect him (her), for he (she) acknowledges My name. He (she) will call upon Me, and I will answer him (her); I will be with him (her) in trouble, I will deliver him (her) and honor him (her). With long life will I satisfy him (her) and show him (her) My salvation.
On Christmas eve morning 2009, a year ago, I ended up in the hospital with a pancreatitis attack. We drove to the hospital during a blizzard here in Texas. What could have been the most beautiful white Christmas for us, became a nightmare. In the midst of the pain and the horror that came with it, I felt His Peace with me the whole time and I was not scared. We had peace in the middle of that storm. I am thankful today for a wonderful and healthy Christmas eve, celebrating Him with my family. I'm remembering His faithfulness to me. He rescued me and protected me. I called upon Him and He answered me. He was with me in trouble and He delivered me and honored me. I believe Him for a long life and thank Him for showing me His salvation.
The few months after the attack, I went through many tests to find out where this came from. At the end, I received the "idiopathic report" from all the Doctors, saying "we don't know, you're healthy and we can't explain why this happened to you".
I am thankful today for everyone that prayed for me and today my heart is full of joy, expecting as a child, believing in His promises and being able to declare His goodness even in the dark and scary places.
Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Unfinished Masterpiece
He uses the dark and sad colors of our lives, representing the sin and times of self absorption.
The browns represent the dirt and the mud that once covered us.
He uses the bright and lively yellows representing the fun experiences of joy and laughter.
The greens represent success, fertility and times full of faith and life.
The blues are the clear, unclouded times in our skies, when there was clarity in our paths.
The pastels are ever representative of the times we did not have an assured view of our purpose in life.
The grays representing the confusion and gloomy days spent half-hearted, neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm.
The Pinks are the scars.
Red is His favored color because it represents the blood of His One and only Son, Jesus. Because of His bloodshed for us, covering all our sin, there's a white colored pencil that He uses to finish His great and mighty work.
Ephesians 2:10(NLT)
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago
The Promise

"Every promise God gives us is an invitation to a process. To make us capable to carry the blessing without destroying us" ~ Bill Johnson
I love dreaming. I see it as living while you’re resting. But do you dare to believe that they mean anything? I do, but especially when I remember them so vividly the next morning. I depend on the Holy Spirit to lead me into all truth and reveal what I could not possibly know on my own. So, I ask Him for revelation.
For example, recently I had a dream that I had agreed to be a surrogate mother and I found out I was pregnant with my own baby. We were so happy with the news, but I remember the struggle in my mind because I would have to tell the lady that I would not be able to have her baby. She would have to wait for me to have mine first. I remember thinking about my age and I was concerned about the health risks involved. Being 40 years old, this would be a different kind of pregnancy for me compared to ages 23 and 26 when I had my two boys. I would need a lot more attention and care. I remember meeting with a new Doctor who was recommended by my friend. The doctor provided a nurse just for me. This nurse would be there to help me all the way through the pregnancy, with anything and everything I needed. (end of dream)
This particular morning, I wrote the dream down in my dreams journal, and asked the Holy Spirit to reveal the hidden message, if there was one. I left it alone for the rest of the day until I was talking with my friend on the phone later that day. When I finished telling her about the dream she said, “I believe that the Lord wants you to know, that you don’t have to carry someone else’s dreams, that He’s got plans for you and He will provide all you need to see you through”.
In the dream, when I agreed to have someone else’s baby, my age was not an issue. But once I found out I was pregnant with my own baby, suddenly, I was concerned about my age and complications that could arise. Why wasn’t I concerned when I thought about having someone else’s baby? This uncovered the fact that somehow I believed that I can encourage and pray for someone else's promise that God has for them but I think it's difficult when it's about His promises for me.
I believe that He is still wanting to birth so many promises through us and desires to use us still, no matter what. I pray that we are able to say "Let it be to me according to Your Word" Luke 1:38 like Mary did. In Jesus' name, AMEN!
Romans 8:26-28
The Message (MSG)
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Blog Introduction
It is my desire for God’s Presence to be my continual experience. Spending time alone with God in the quiet, equipped with Bible, journal, pen and coffee. Waiting in His Presence, He reveals Himself to me. I record all that comes to my mind. Songs, dreams, visions, thoughts and impressions while in His Presence. The uncertainties I face deepen my increasing closeness to God. Waiting for His promises, sometimes seem to stretch indefinitely into the future. I do realize that experiences of God’s Presence are not only for my benefit but are also preparation for helping others. I long to live in His Presence and hear what He has to say to me personally on any given day. Writing these help me grow closer to Him. As I meditate on Him I continue to receive His personalized messages. The more difficult my circumstances, the more I need encouraging directives from my Creator. “He speaks to those who listen to Him” (John 10:27) and I continually depend on the Holy Spirit’s help. He guides my mind as I think things out in His Presence.
We all search for a deeper experience of Him and His Peace. What I write must always be consistent with His Word’s unchanging standard. I love how His Word strengthens and encourages me, raising my sights from my “light and momentary troubles” (2 Cor. 4:17) to His eternal perspective.
Remembering that Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us,
May He bless you with His Presence and Peace in ever-increasing measure.
Friday, December 10, 2010
This past summer 2010, I was asking the Lord to show me a fresh new way to look at life and this walk of faith in Him. I began to think and remember the Coca-Cola sleepwalker commercial. I went to the computer to find it and watched it while asking the Holy Spirit if He wanted to show me something through this.
As you saw, the commercial goes like this: The guy is in a tent, in the middle of an African safari. He rises in the middle of the night while in a dream and starts sleepwalking. He walks slowly and peacefully with his eyes closed. He waves at the cheetah on the tree and the cheetah growls, like “what are you doing”? He continues on his way and walks right into an elephant as the herd was crossing his path. He still does not wake up and goes on walking on a long trail on the edge of a cliff. He then pauses and looks both directions, as if he could see with his eyes closed, and steps into a canoe on a lake. He walks all the way to the end of the canoe and gets to the other side just in time to step off on to dry land. Right before he steps off, a hippo bites his canoe in half, but he steps off safely and still never wakes up. On a mission, he keeps going until he enters a hut that has a refrigerator in it. He walks towards it, but right on top is a black mamba, the most venomous and dangerous snake. He does not even acknowledge it and opens the refrigerator, takes a cold bottle of Coca-Cola and walks all the way back to his tent. He then sits on a chair by his tent and drinks his cold Coca-Cola. With a big smile on his face, he leans back on his chair and pets a hyena next to him like a dog. And he never woke up.
Lord, what do you want to say to me through this? I felt like He said, “watch it again, and write what you see”. I did and when I was done, again I felt like He wanted me to keep watching and writing until nothing else came to my mind. To my surprise, I wrote and wrote and believe to have watched it more than 20 times.
Here’s what I wrote:
Rise up unto the Lord and stay innocent to the world around you. Focus on Him and He will guide your steps. Eyes closed to fears and dangers around you but open to Him. Even while you sleep, your heart is awake for Him alone to speak to you. You are called to rise up even while it is still dark. He opens your ears and seals your instructions in order to protect you. He gives to His beloved even in his sleep. You will know the way even in the night seasons of your life. If you look at the circumstances around you, you will react in fear, just like Peter when he walked on the water but began to sink when he looked at the wind and the waves. You are made to respond to Him and look to Him who is the author and finisher of your faith. When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies be at peace with him and no weapon formed against you will prosper. Don’t love your life so much as to shrink from death. Don’t miss out on the greatest paths He designed for you. He has so much to show you if you just believe. Things might not look like what you thought but He said He will never leave you nor forsake you. He knows the way to your destinations but He wants you to enjoy the process. With Him nothing will be impossible for you. He will let you lie down in green fields and lead you beside quiet waters. He’ll give you new strength and guide you in the right path for the honor of His name. You will walk through the darkest valley and you will not be afraid, for He is with you. He’ll prepare a feast for you in front of your enemies and He will refresh you. His love and goodness will follow you all your days. His angels will lift you up in their hands so that you don’t trip over a stone. He’s given you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing will hurt you. He’s given you the treasures of darkness, so that you know that He is who He says He is. He will provide all you need and always at the right time. You will cross over and possess your destiny. You will know the ways of life and He will make you full of joy in His Presence.
The scripture references, not in order:
Psalm 23, Proverbs 16:7, Luke 10:19, Revelation 12:10, Isaiah 45:3, Psalm 16;7, Psalm 127:2, Job 33:15-18, Isaiah 28:26-29, Psalm 91:2, Matthew 14:29-30, Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 31:15, Song Of Solomon 5:2, Hebrews 12:2, Hebrews 13:5, Acts 2:28, Matthew 19:26, Deuteronomy 11:31
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